Thursday, January 21, 2010


I am obsessed with this word. It came to me last night and has not left. I mean the word is not earth shattering or anything, but it just makes think of all things clean and pure. Natural beauty, easy, unfussy, not overly done.....

Maybe I am driven to simplicity because there are more than enough complexities in the world such as war, global economy, natural disasters. I am moved to find my world of simplicity. A world filled with beauty, pure love, clean surfaces, clean lines, and clarity. I guess I have always enjoyed simplicity. When younger I would always admire people who were nicely dressed but it looked effortless. Their outfit was not overly accessorized. Their clothes were not full of emblems and labels. Just quality fabric and clean lines. I am still the same today. I truly love and admire a simple but well appointed outfit. I guess Leonardo da Vinci says it best " Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication."

Employ simplicity everywhere in your life and you will see beauty shining through!!!

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Farmer's Market

Who knew that a weekly trip, less than a mile from my house, could leave me so rejuvenated and fulfilled! The music of instruments, birds, and people's laughter allow me to escape into a small utopic world...even if only for an hour. How refreshing to see a child being cradled in the arms of a mother, eyes so big and bright, filled with curiosity and life. But let's not forget the toddler in the stroller with chocolate smeared all over his hands and face. These citings bring refreshed clarity into life which is often cluttered in the daily grind.

Then there are the everyday fashion icons. They effortlessly don a racerback tank paired with a high waisted skirt and accessorized with over sized peak-a-boo shades. Local it, gotta have it....she will be my style muse this week!!! I am like the paparazzi without a camera, but these images will be in my mental 'Kodak memory':)

If you have never gone to a farmer's market, you are not only missing great local produce, but rather an experience! Visit soon and often and don't forget that milk in the bottle....

212 Holliday StBaltimore, MD 21202

P.S. for my farmer's market newbies:
  • make sure you take a canvas cloth bag to pack all your yummy treats
  • leave your camera at home your first trip and just take the moment in,
  • be sure to walk the entire market before making any purchases...but by all means get your coffee first!
  • last but not least, please take cash...not many farmers have their credit card machines

Thursday, June 4, 2009

TBS was my inspiration

First off, I owe part of this blog to K-love...if I hadn't visited her blog spot I may have forgotten about this little secret of mine a bit longer.

The second half of inspiration came from watching a repeat of Sex in the City. I have never been a die hard fan, but if I catch an episode, I soak it up! This episode reconfirmed the power of individual influence. Samantha has developed cancer and is in the midst of receiving chemotherapy, thus she loses her hair, has hot flashes, and other burdensome symptoms. Well she is asked to deliver a motivational speech...which she bombs. Feeding off the audience's lack of enthusiasm, she begins to break from her script and just be Samantha! She is glowing buckets and has on a hella hot one instant she decides to rid herself of the wig and be free. All of the other cancer survivors followed suit...this was my moment of inspiration.

Everyday we do things that inspire others. So bring your personal best daily....someone is always watching.....xoxo

Monday, March 30, 2009

Year of Change

Spring is here and it seems as though because of everything that has been going on in the political and economic sector, people are longing for the sunshine, the cherry blossoms, citings of magnolia tress and of course the colorful and beautiful clothing. We are ready to come out of hibernation and let the sun kiss our skin!!!

I know that I have been super excited about the intro of spring this year! I have committed to wearing all things girly and feminine. Super cute dresses, statement bags, of course the ultra cute cocktail ring and killer shoes.

You can feel the excitement in the air. People want something to be happy about and one thing we know for sure is that Spring means new life and possibilities, Al fresco dining, biking, running, outdoor yoga and much more that brings the human spirit together. That is what we are all craving right now.....connection! real and authentic connection. Maybe that is why I am soo inclined to write this blog. I have sooo much to discuss and share. Well stay tuned and hopefully I will only get better at this!

Live Life